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Bizarre Labs

Fake glass

fake glass Using sugar, a fake sheet of glass similar to the type used for prop bottles in movies can be made. This is the sort of "glass" that is often seen breaking in fight scenes in cowboy films. The finished product is translucent and brown.

Butter a baking sheet and put it into the refrigerator to chill. Pour a cup (250ml) of sugar into a small pan over a burner set to low. Stir constantly until the sugar melts. It will seem to take forever but eventually it will turn brown and melt. Keep stirring until it has melted completely.

When it has melted, pour it onto the baking sheet, which should be cold and as level as you can get it. Let cool.

To clean the pan, fill it with water and boil. This will dissolve the sugar clinging to the sides.

Charles Mitchard wrote to point out that: "there is no need to cook the sugar until it is brown. Just cook to the hard crack stage; this is just before it starts to colour. Pour this into a large pan lined with silicon (baker's) paper to form a 5mm thick sheet. This will make excellent windows."

Thanks, Charles!

© Brian Carusella and Bizarre Labs. All rights reserved. Quotes and images not my own remain in the copyright of the originator or else in the public domain.

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