This site is an ever growing warehouse of the kinds of projects some of the more demented of us tried as young people. It is a sort of warped semi-scientific cookbook of tricks, gimmicks, and pointless experimentation, concoctions, and devices, using, for the most part, things found around the house. These are the classics. Strange goo, radios made from rusty razor blades, homemade stink bombs... amateur mad scientist stuff. If you happen to learn something in the process, consider yourself a better person for it.
A word of thanks

This site has been receiving quite a few visitors of late. Thanks to everyone for making it a success. Thanks also to all of you who have contributed suggestions for projects, safety tips, and words of encouragement. Also thanks for passing on my URL! This is a labor of love for me, and I am glad so many folks are enjoying it.
Coming soon!
Many new projects on the way. For the time being, I will
try to add a new project every week to two weeks or so. Check back!
Guest book and submissions

Please sign my
guest book. Any comments you send along are appreciated, as well as any projects you may want to see added.
Safety Warning.

For the most part, the projects on this site are fairly safe. There are a few exceptions which could be very dangerous, and are posted only because they are interesting to know about. These are projects that come from another era when people weren't so conscious about safety. They will be noted as such, and I will do my best to discourage you from trying them. If you don't know exactly what you are doing, don't even think about attempting something dangerous you happen to find anywhere on the net. You could be seriously hurt or even killed. Even the relatively "safe" projects posted here can be dangerous if you are not cautious with tools, chemicals, etc. If you decide to try one of these projects, be careful. Projects here are posted as information only. I cannot assume any responsibility. Don't come whining to me if you burn your house down. Consider this fair warning. Be careful! Now get out there and have fun!
Credit where credit is due...

Sources for all projects are cited when known. Some of these things have been floating around for years, and the original source may have been untraceable. Some may have also slipped into the public domain, and some are just part of the collective consciousness of childhood. If you personally have or know of a copyright holder for any anonymous or incorrectly credited material on this page, please let me know so I can fix it.